Day 10
This park recently opened and this water feature is extremely popular. As you can tell, she's easily entertained. I love the couple in the back shooting their infant daughter in the background.

Day 11
I actually tried to be creative on this day. I get these ideas in my head and sometimes it takes me a few days to actually get around to shooting what I want. This is an original 1869 Dottie Dimple book passed on down to me. It's amazing it has made it this long. Plus, in the background you can kind of make out a teacup that belonged to my grandmother.

Day 12
Her birthday dinner. She chose Joe's Crab Shack. Not one other child was in the playground. It was a little sad, but it was a school night after all.

Day 13
Posing at soccer practice.

Day 14
Showing off her cool glow-in-the-dark Silly Bandz that Uncle Kyle and family gave her.

Day 15
I love these flowers (oleanders) and I remember putting them in J Bird's hair when she was younger so I could photograph her. Good idea, right? Then, hubby tells me they're poisonous and dangerous for children. Figures.

Day 16
I purchased these boots for J Bird's cowgirl themed party and I have been wondering ever since why I haven't owned these for 20 years already. Love these!!!!

Day 17
Sunset in the backyard. I almost missed my daily shot, but I squeezed one in and I loved the light coming in through the leaves (and fence.)

Day 18
After school ritual...throw shoes off, jump on couch and try to sneak in some tv time until mean old mom gets her busy doing something else. Time for some new shoes, huh?

Day 19
My personal favorite from the bunch. I don't know if it's because it's her classic "Mona Lisa" smile, her messy hair, or the sidewalk chalk on her face. My little sidewalk chalk artist.