It's been a week since I had the chance to take my sister out for a quick little photo shoot. I can't explain how humid it was the morning of this shoot. I just know that I felt completely yucky when we were done. I love my family for putting up with me on this little adventure. We all made the trek to the train cars in our flip flops. Not the best shoes to wear with all the stones on the tracks. There weren't any trains running that day for those of you concerned for our safety and when they do run I can probably outrun them. Now, that's really saying a lot, trust me. I'm finally getting around to posting those pics. I really don't know how everyone processes their images so fast. I guess I'll eventually get the hang of it.
And I decided to go a little artsy on this last one by applying an artistic blur. I hope it doesn't make my sister's eyes hurt. LOL.